» » » Writing, Meetings, Location Scouting

Writing, Meetings, Location Scouting

I’ve been whinging like a little bitch about not having my new Mac, but money from abroad has not been forthcoming. So, instead of complaining that I cannot write on a PC (I am definitely NOT a PC), I have downloaded my wonderful Celtx software and am pretending I’m using my Mac.

Things are moving along steadily. With Raymond Carver on my pillow every night as inspiration, I am writing prose. Patrick is converting that into a script. It’s a good collaboration, and I think we are hitting our stride.

Had a very positive meeting with Micah over at the New Orleans Office of Film and Video. He was very encouraging and gave us some very good information about getting movies made in this town. I am sure that we can get this movie made here. Funnily enough, what with the talent, tax incentives and enthusiasm of the industry, it seems more likely to get a film made here than in London.

In the meantime, we have been relentlessly scouting locations that inspire and awe. The photos are from Mac’s Cafe in Gretna. Mac’s was hit by Gustav (or was it Ike?), and they haven’t gotten their insurance yet, so blue tarp is still covering the roof. I have to thank ma maaama for showing us this location. She has shown us so many good locations that I may have to start paying her soon as a location scout.